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Borrowing Minis
Jeremy has very kindly offered a selection of miniatures for DMs to borrow for use in their games. If you need a mini for a game you're running, get in touch with him, either in #dungeon-masters, or via DM to Valek ( or Jeremy)#9100 on Discord.
Jeremy has a huge collection, so not everything is listed here - if there's anything in particular that you need, ask him to see if he has a suitable mini. There's also a selection of terrain and other miniatures available, though whether they are easily transportable will vary. Chances are if it exists, Jeremy probably has it, and you should ask to be sure. If you require terrain that cannot be transported, Jeremy is also willing for a group to attend and play at his place (subject to availability and discussion with him).
Obviously, if you borrow anything, you will be expected to treat it well. If you break it, you owe him a new one. A better one.
Click a photo to open the full-size image. Black boxes contain Dwarven Forge terrain. The cat is not available to be borrowed.
Gargantuan Minis
The following large minis are available to be borrowed - Colossal minis are larger than gargantuan: