Frequently Asked Questions

This FAQ will be updated whenever someone asks a question that we think others may need answers to. Feel free to add to it!

What do I need to play?

You need to bring:

  • Character Sheet with a generated character following the Travellers Guild guidelines (printed or digital)
  • A polyset
  • Notebook and pencil (if you wish to take notes during the adventure)

Can I use D&D Beyond or another digital tool for my character sheet?

Yes. Feel free to use whatever tools make it easiest for you to play the game, provided they give you all the necessary information.

Can I use a custom paper character sheet?

Yes. You can have any kind of custom character sheet as long as it holds all the necessary information you need to play your character.

How long do Tuesday sessions take?

Tuesday night sessions run from 6:30pm to 10:00pm, when the shop closes and they kick us out. If you have questions or things to sort out, please arrive sooner in order to not cut into play time, or just ask on Discord.

Does it cost money?

To play with us, Wargames Workshop charge £5 to cover table fees for the evening, which you need to pay up-front. DMs do not pay these fees.

How much is the parking?

The parking is free.

Where do I sign up?

Signing up happens in our Discord Server under #event-signups. When you mark yourself as a player, you have a guaranteed spot 1) and you will get to play (provided you are not late). You can also show up without signing up in our Discord, but we cannot guarantee that you will get to play. If you are signed up you can pay at the counter and take one of the sits.

Can I use homebrew content or Unearthed Arcana?

No. For now we don’t allow any homebrew content. This is to keep things relatively fair between characters and tables. You can find a list of valid content and books in the player rules section.

Do I need to have a miniature for my character?

No. If you don't have one, and the DM uses minis, you will either be provided by one or you can just use a die.

I have additional accessibility needs - can I still play?

Yes! The shop is wheelchair accessible, and you can play D&D with limited eyesight, among other things. Please let us know if you have additional needs prior to attending, and we'll make sure to make you feel welcome. Currently we are unable to help deaf players to play, unless they are accompanied by an interpreter. Sorry!

Is there an age requirement?

We have an age requirement of 18 or older for solo players. Younger players can attend only with a parent or guardian, who is also playing. If you are a parent you can read our Parental Guidance.

FAQ for Dungeon Masters

Can I be a DM (Dungeon Master)?

Yes, as long as you attended at least two game nights as player.

Do I get benefits for DM-ing?

DMs get one renown and a copy of one of the magic items you game out during the adventure (if you get none, get a renown). Also, DMs do not pay table fees, and also get a free drink or a cake 2). You also get our greatest gratitude for stepping up and making it possible for at least 5 people playing that night.

Where do I get my adventures?

The store has two folders of official Adventures League one-shots that have been donated by other members. You can borrow one of those or buy your own one-shot Adventurers League official one-shot from DMs Guild.

Can I play my homebrew adventure?

In order to run your own adventure, you have to go adapt it to TG rules, and submit it to the DMs for evaluation. You may also be asked to run a few pre-written adventures in advance, before you can run your own. For more information, ask in Discord.

How do I signup as a DM?

To signup as a DM, on the signup event channel you mark yourself as one of the DMs. You can also signup as a backup DM, but for that you just pin an admin in the #dungeon-masters channel. We always try to have one backup DM, just in case one of the DMs cannot make it.

As long as we have enough DMs to run tables. If you have questions if you will get a slot, before showing up, message an Admin.
Subject to change