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Community Guidelines
Our community is one of inclusivity, friendliness, and shared adventures. By participating in games, you agree to follow these basic guidelines to ensure that everyone is able to have fun. If you witness anyone breaking these guidelines, or are at any time concerned by the behaviour of any member of our community, please raise it with an admin or Wargames Workshop, who will serve as impartial arbiters in the event of a serious dispute, and may choose to remove those who refuse to follow these guidelines.
No harassment of any kind will be tolerated
Harassment includes, but is not limited to, offensive comments and actions related to gender, expression, age, sexual orientation, physical appearance, race, disability, ethnicity, and religion. It also includes displaying sexual images, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography, disruption of events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.
This harassment policy also extends into the games that are being played. Harassment of another player is not excused because such action is “in character” or because it is part of the confines of the game rather than directly to another person. Harassing behavior in “real life” is also forbidden between player characters in game. Make everyone feel welcome
Everyone is welcome to play Dungeons & Dragons with us, unless they have broken these community guidelines. There are almost no circumstances where this is not the case, so anyone who is found deliberately trying to prevent anyone from playing, or deliberately making their play experience worse for any reason other than the most serious valid reasons (such as a past history of wrongdoing or abuse) is not welcome.
Make everyone feel comfortable
Sexual content, torture, and other controversial topics are not welcome material for games played under this system. If there is any chance that something you intend to do could offend the people you are playing with, err on the side of caution and don’t do it. Everyone should feel comfortable and happy playing, and there are few justifiable reasons to ruin that (although obviously someone objecting to killing in general might have issues when playing D&D).
Leave it at the table
Your character's conflicts are not your own. If you don't like what someone did as their character, raise it with them and/or the DM or admins respectfully, but don't hold it against them personally.
Listen to each other
If someone says that something you did made them feel uncomfortable or upset them out of character, listen to them, apologise, and take steps to avoid whatever you said or did in the future.
Speak up
Our only reason for being here is to have fun playing games and experiencing stories together. That is the number one, most important thing. Everyone should feel comfortable playing with us, and want to come back again and again. Never stay silent about any issue that may prevent that, whether for yourself or for someone else.