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Creating a Character

Character creation uses the standard D&D 5e character creation rules, with the following restrictions and adjustments:

  • Attributes must be calculated using either the Point Buy method, or the Standard Array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8) - No rolling.
  • Characters may use classes, races, and backgrounds from any combination of official Wizards of the Coast rulebooks and supplements. This does not include playtest content, such as Unearthed Arcana. If in doubt, check Character Source Book Options.
  • You must take the standard starting equipment package for your class.
  • You may sell any unwanted starting equipment for half of its purchasing cost according to the Player’s Handbook, and purchase any mundane items listed in the Player’s Handbook using your starting gold. Anything without a listed price cannot be sold.
  • Chaotic Evil and Neutral Evil characters are not permitted due to their potential negative impact on games with unscrupulous players who habitually use these alignments as an excuse. Lawful Evil characters are permitted, but must agree to follow the basic thread of adventures prepared for them. Evil characters must still be motivated to complete missions for the Travellers Guild, whether for personal gain, power, or influence in order for games to run smoothly. You may not disrupt games just because you’re a bit evil. Chaotic Neutral is also on the same parole terms.
  • Any background can be used or custom-built under the standard background customization rules, but background features must be copied from an existing printed source. You may rename the feature if it makes you feel better, but its effects must be the same as a feature printed in an official source.
  • All new characters begin with a free Potion of Lesser Healing.
  • All new characters start at level 1.


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