
With your hard earn gold and renown, you can buy a lot of different things that can help you overcome those challenging adventures. The main Renown and Gold Shop is been updated by Matt.

Buy with Gold

As you rescue villagers, and fight off cultists, you will be rewarded with gold. Aside from paying for your drinks in the tavern, you can spend it for items that can help you take on the next evil dragon. Anything listed in the Players Handbook can be bought at its listed cost, including mounts, which are subject to additional rules. Items purchased from the Gold Shop tab cannot be sold.


Once you buy any of these potions, you can't sell them later. All items are one time use. During an adventure you can lent consumable items to other players or NPCs, and at the end of the adventure they are returned to you if they were not consumed.

Item Effect Gold Cost
Potion of Healing 2d4 + 2 Healing 50g
Potion of Greater Healing 4d4 + 4 Healing 100g
Potion of Superior Healing 8d4 + 8 Healing 500 gp
Potion of Supreme Healing 10d4 + 20 Healing 5000 gp
Potion of Climbing Gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed for 1 hour. During this time, you have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks you make to climb. 75 gp
Potion of Animal Friendship When you drink this potion, you can cast the animal friendship spell (save DC 13) for 1 hour at will. 100 gp
Potion of Water Breathing You can breathe underwater for 1 hour after drinking this potion. 100 gp
Potion of Invisibility When you drink it, you become invisible for 1 hour. Anything you wear or carry is invisible with you. The effect ends early if you attack or cast a spell. 5000 gp
Potion of Diminution When you drink this potion, you gain the “reduce” effect of the enlarge/reduce spell for 1d4 hours (no concentration required). 500 gp
Potion of Growth When you drink this potion, you gain the “enlarge” effect of the enlarge/reduce spell for 1d4 hours (no concentration required). 500 gp
Potion of Flying When you drink this potion, you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed for 1 hour and can hover. 5000 gp


Scrolls can only replicate cantrips or spells from your class list, and follow the general spell scroll rules, therefor they are one time use. Once purchased, can't be sold later.

Item Effect Gold Cost
Spell Scroll (Cantrip) Choose cantrip when purchased. 25g
Spell Scroll (Level 1) Choose level 1 spell when purchased. 100g

Higher level spell scrolls are available for purchase with renown in the renown shop.

Spellcasting Services

The cost of services is affected by Acolyte background and similar benefits.

Spell Gold Cost
Attonement (per the spell Ceremony) 60 gp
Lesser Restoration 40 gp
Remove Curse 90 gp
Greater Restoration 450 gp
Regenerate 490 gp

Spell components

Some spells require components that have a gold tag. Most of them are available for purchase ahead of the adventure. These items can't be sold or traded but can be used as ordinary items if the DM allows. For example, a mirror can be used as a ordinary mirror. Make sure the item price, fits the spell required price. When you cast the spell, the item is not consumed, unless stated otherwise.

Spell Gold Cost Spell
Pearl 100 gp Identify
Gold Dust 25 gp Arcane Lock
Ruby Dust 50 gp Continual Flame
Jade Dust 10 gp Magic Mouth
Diamond Dust 100 gp Greater Restoration, Stoneskin
Diamond 300 gp Revivify
Powdered Diamond 200 gp Glyph of Warding
Pair of Platinum Rings 100 gp (50 gp/each) Warding Bond

This is not a full list, just a few common items as an example.

Buy with Renown

From the Renown Shop you can buy some common and useful magic items, higher level spell scrolls, and enhanced gear such as +1 Armour, +1 Shield, or +1 Weapons (+2, +3, +4 versions are available for higher tiers). Items that were not claimed after adventures are also available for purchase under Found Magic Items.

Renown items can't be sold, but can be traded with other players for an item of the same rarity. For trade use Trading Post and/or #loot-and-trading channel on Discord.

Please log these purchases on your log sheet for future reference.

If you need a reminder of which tier your character is see Playing the Game

Enhanced Weapons

Any weapons purchased may be of any weapon type printed in the Player's Handbook.

Item Minimum Required
Character Tier
Renown Cost
+1 weapon (any type) Tier 1 2 Renown
+2 weapon (any type) Tier 2 4 Renown
+3 weapon (any type) Tier 3 6 Renown

Enhanced Spellcasting Foci

This functions as any type of Arcane, Druidic focus, or Holy Symbol, and grants a +1/+2/+3 bonus to spell attack rolls and spell save DCs. (Does not stack with other items that provide a similar bonus, such as a Rod of the Pact Keeper). The form this focus takes can be described as anything relevant to your casting class that can be held in one hand, but may not be used as a weapon (other than as an improvised club).

Item Minimum Required
Character Tier
Renown Cost
Spellcasting Focus +1 Tier 1 2 Renown
Spellcasting Focus +2 Tier 2 4 Renown
Spellcasting Focus +3 Tier 3 6 Renown

Enhanced Armour and Mount Barding

Armour types available are those listed in the Player's Handbook, though they may be described as being crafted from any reasonable material.

Item Minimum Required
Character Tier
Renown Cost
+1 armour (any type) Tier 2 4 Renown
+2 armour (any type) Tier 3 6 Renown
+3 armour (any type) Tier 4 8 Renown

Enhanced Shields

Item Minimum Required
Character Tier
Renown Cost
+1 shield Tier 1 2 Renown
+2 shield Tier 2 4 Renown
+3 shield Tier 3 6 Renown

Spell Scrolls

All sell scrolls follow the general spell scroll rules, so they are one time use. Cantrip and level 1 scrolls of your class spell list can be also purchased for gold in the Gold Shop tab.

Item Minimum Required
Character Tier
Renown Cost
Spell scroll (level 1 - 3) Tier 1 1 Renown
Spell scroll (level 4 - 5) Tier 2 2 Renown
Spell scroll (level 6 - 8) Tier 3 3 Renown

Common Magical Items

Some common magical items are available for purchase by all characters. A list of the available items is in the Common Magic Items tab. Please, don't forget to log your purchase. For suggestions, requests or questions, ask in Discord.

These items can't be sold, and can be traded only for other common magical items.

General Magical Items

The shop has a constant stock of collection of commonly requested or generally useful items of higher rarity. These items follow the general renown bought magic item rules of they can't be sold, and can only be traded for magic items of the same rarity.

Item Minimum Required
Character Tier
Renown Cost
Wand of the Warmage +1 Tier 1 2 Renown
Bag of holding Tier 1 2 Renown
Ring of protection Tier 2 4 Renown
Wand of the Warmage +2 Tier 2 4 Renown
Wand of the Warmage +3 Tier 3 6 Renown


This is a list of services that can be purchased with renown points. Please note in your log sheet when you make a purchase.

Service Renown Cost
Fully rebuild a tier 1 character Free
Fully rebuild a tier 2 character 6 Renown
Fully rebuild a tier 3 character 9 Renown
Remove curse, disease, or other persistent effect that can be healed with magic up to 7th level (such as dismemberment) 1 Renown
Removal of an effect that can only be removed by the 'Wish' spell (such as Vampirism) 4 Renown
Resurrection of one of your dead characters 2 Renown
Fully recharge a uncommon magic item with (T1) limited charges (such as wands or Wingwear) 2 Renown
Fully recharge a rare magic item (T2) with limited charges 4 Renown
Fully recharge a very rare magic item (T3) with limited charges 6 Renown
Add a single milestone to any character 4 Renown
Exchange for 100g 1 Renown