The Travellers Guild

The Travellers Guild is what’s known as an organised play system for 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons. But what does that mean? What is the Travellers Guild about? Let’s look at the most important aspects.


Characters in this system are designed to be portable. That is, they can move between any other games of D&D. Normally when you play D&D, the characters stay with one particular group of people for one particular campaign. With these rules, you’ll be able to play with anyone at Wargames Workshop (or anywhere else following the rules in this doc!), and experience all sorts of different adventures with different people.

Rule Standardisation

Having standard rules for how characters level, gain magic items, and record their adventures is basically how we make it so that characters can be carried around and play with each other, without some people being massively ahead of others and making the game less fun (and harder to run for the DM!).


You may be familiar with the D&D Adventurers League. That’s the Wizards of the Coasts official organized play system, and others have spun off it, much like us. We’re not going to get into our problems with those systems here, they’re fine at what they do, but what they all generally lack is flexibility. The ability to play whatever people want to play, and still play together every week. Something to allow people to play whatever excites them. That’s a huge part of what the Travellers Guild is all about.


The final main aspect of this system is how open and accessible it is to everyone, no matter who they are, no matter how much D&D they’ve played in the past. These rules aim to be easily understood, lack complexity and importantly change as little as possible, within reason. If everyone agrees a certain system is terrible, we will absolutely change it, but ideally you should be able to learn this once and not have to worry about changes every couple of months.

With all that out of the way, let’s move onto the rules. We’re not going to go through how to play D&D here, there are plenty of resources on that everywhere else, and at its core, that’s what we’re doing. Instead, on this site you’ll find the specifics of how to play games under the banner of the Travellers Guild. To get started, head over to The Rules.